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Letters | Name | Notes |
A/C. | Auto Coupler | |
A: COS. | Advert Light Cut-Out Switch | On cant rail in car |
Auto. | Automatic | |
AWIC. | Audible Warning Isolating Cock | |
B | Battery | On cant rail in car |
BAR | Brake Actuate Relay | |
BCI | Brake Control Interlock | |
BIC | Brake Isolating Cock | On cant rail in car |
BIR | Brake Increase Relay | |
BPA | Brake Passenger Alarm | |
BPM | Brake Passenger Master | |
BRV | Brake Release Valve | On cant rail in car |
BSA-B2 | Brake Safety Repeater Relays | |
BTR | Brake Timing Relay | |
CIC | Coupler Isolating Cock | On cant rail in car |
Com: COS | Compressor Cut-Out Switch | On cant rail in car |
Com: G COS | Compressor Governor Cut-Out Switch | On cant rail in car |
Com: G IC | Compressor Governor Isolating Cock | On cant rail in car |
Con COS | Control Cut-Out Switch | On cant rail in car |
Con G | Control Governor | On cant rail in car |
CIC | Control Isolating Cock | On cant rail in car |
CV | Coupler Valve | On cant rail in car |
Cou: VIC | Coupler Valve Isolating Cock | On cant rail in car |
CR | Coasting Relay | |
CS | Control Switch | |
CTBC | Combined Traction Brake Controller | |
DBVIC | Drivers Brake Valve Isolating Cock | |
DIC. | Door Isolating Cock | On cant rail in car |
DM. | Driving Motor Car | |
DMVIC | Deadman Valve Isolating Cock | |
DV. | Door Valve | On cant rail in car |
E:Cou. | Emergency Coupling Adaptor | On cant rail in car |
EL | Emergency Ladder | On cant rail in car |
EP | Electro-pneumatic | |
EPBIC | Electro-pneumatic Brake Isolating Cock | On cant rail in car |
F | Fuses | |
FCOV. | Flow Cut Off Valve | |
FIC | Field Injection Contactor | |
FIS | Fault Isolating Switch | |
FIT | Field Injection Transformer | |
For. | Forward | |
GI-4 | Grouping Contactors | |
IL. | Indicator Light | On cant rail in car |
int. | Intermediate | |
IS. | Ice Scraper | On cant rail in car |
LBI-2. | Line Breakers | |
LSR. | Local Supply Relay | |
LWR. | Load Weight Relay | |
MAR. | Motor Alternator Rectifier | |
MB. | Motor/Brake Switch | |
MCB. | Miniature Circuit Breaker | |
MG. | Motor Generator | |
ML. | Main Line | |
MLFIC. | Main Line Filtered Isolating Cock | |
NDM. | Non Driving Motor | |
NR. | Notching Relay | |
NR (aux). | Notching Relay Auxiliary | |
OLB/EFR. | Overload Braking/Earth Fault Relay | |
OLM. | Overload Motoring | |
OPR. | Off Proving Relay | |
PB 1-2. | Parallel - Braking Contactors | |
PCM. | Pneumatic Camshaft Mechanism | |
PS. | Position Switch | |
PWR. | Passenger Warning Relay | |
RBR. | Run Back Relay | |
RC. | Resistace Camshaft | |
Rev. | Reverser | |
RPA. | Rotary Pneumatic Accelerator | |
RPR. | Rheostatic Proving Relay | |
RPR (Aux). | Rheostatic Proving Relay Auxiliary Relay | |
S. | Sand | On cant rail in car |
SAPB. | Spring Applied Parking Brake | |
SCD. | Short Circuiting Device | On cant rail in car |
SD. | Series Diode | |
ST. | Special Trailer | |
T. | Trailer Car | |
TC. | Tripcock | |
TCCOS. | Traction Control Cut-Out Switch | On cant rail in car |
TOIC. | Trip Cock Isolating Cock | |
TCIS. | Trip Cock Isolating Switch | |
TCPS | Tripcock Pressure Switch | |
TCRC. | Tripcock Resetting Cord | |
TEP. | Train Equipment Panel | |
TL. | Train Line | |
TLIC. | Train Line Isolating Cock | |
TR. | Test Relay | |
TVIC. | Triple Valve Isolating Cock | On cant rail in car |
UIC. | Unit Isolating Cock | |
UNDM. | Uncoupling Non-Driving Motor Car | |
UNCOU. | Uncoupling Unit | |
UT | Uncoupling Trailer Car | |
VA. | Volt Amp relay | |
VLCV. | Variable Load Control Valve | |
VLV. | Variable Load Valve | |
VS | Vacuum Cleaner Socket | On cant rail in car |
WIC. | Whistle Isolating Cock | In cab |
WSI-2. | Wheelspin Relays | |
WS (Aux). | Wheelspin Auxiliary Relay | |
WWIC. | Window Wiper Isolating Cock |
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